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Janice Landry’s New Book Supports Refugee Non-Profit 

in Honour of Syrian Family and her late Grandfather  

Award-winning Halifax author and journalist, Janice Landry, has published her sixth work of non-fiction with the fall 2022 release of Eye of the Ocean. The book showcases moving stories of love, hope, and empathy from 21 Canadians. 

Eye of the Ocean opens with a special tribute to Landry’s late grandfather, Vasil Bochoff. He was an impoverished shepherd who emigrated from Bulgaria to Canada at age 17, and then went on to become a highly successful Halifax grocer.  

Eye of the Ocean was the name of Vasil’s summer home, located in Purcell’s Cove, Nova Scotia -- the house where the author lived during her formative childhood years. 

As part of her tribute to Vasil, Landry is donating all of her proceeds from book sales to the HEART Society of Nova Scotia (Hants East Assisting Refugees Team). HEART is the charitable organization that helped bring the Barho family to Nova Scotia from Syria. Tragically, their seven children died in a Spryfield house fire in 2019. 

The book is a heartfelt tribute to the Barho family and the many first responders and volunteers who have helped them. HEART is also assisting Ukrainian refugees. Purchases of Eye of the Ocean help fund HEART’s work and this urgent humanitarian cause. 

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